DWB provides a wide variety of environmental services, either as stand-alone services, or as part of larger engineering or forestry programs.
DWB has diverse corporate and staff experience in environmental regulatory processes, impact assessments, classification, delineation and inventory projects, reclamation and rehabilitation, mitigation and off-set planning, environmental construction monitoring, auditing and inspecting, and research design and implementation projects. The DWB Environmental Department has successfully completed a wide array of projects for clients in all sectors, from small, simple assessments to multi-year, multi-million dollar infrastructure projects.

Assessment and Evaluation
- Impact & effects evaluation & assessment
- Riparian assessment
- Stream classification
- Fish passage assessment
- Fish inventory & community identification
- Fish & fish habitat assessment
- Wetland delineation, classification, assessment and compensation
- Vegetation inventory
- Invasive plant surveys & management plans
- Wildfire rehabilitation prescriptions
- GIS analysis & mapping
- Integrated resource management plans
- Surveys & management plans (bird, amphibian, small mammal, ungulate, species at risk)
- Aerial ungulate & fish spawning surveys
- Animal-vehicle collision analysis & mitigation
Construction Services
- Environmental monitoring/inspecting/auditing
- Fish & wildlife salvage
- Bird/nest and amphibian surveys &management
- Water quality & hydro-acoustic monitoring
- Construction site isolation/dewatering/diversion design & implementation
- Revegetation, rehabilitation & reclamation
- Noise & acoustic monitoring Soil Testing
Environmental Management Planning
- Environmental Management Plans
- Environmental Protection Plans
- Erosion & sediment control plans
- Mitigation, compensation & off-setting planning Road/culvert deactivation plans
- Bioengineering design & implementation
- Federal, Provincial & Municipal liaison and environmental regulatory permitting
Environmental Site Investigation, Remediation, and Reclamation
- Stage 1&2 Preliminary Site Investigation, Detailed Site Investigations/Phase 1&2 Environmental Site Assessments
- Remediation plan, disposal strategy, & remediation supervision
- Pre-reclamation assessments
- Reclamation planning and supervision
- Post reclamation monitoring and assessment
- Re-vegetation and vegetation management
- Certificate of Restoration / Certificate of Compliance applications
- Waste and hazardous waste management
- Spill response technical support
- Customized environmental training
- Stream assessment & fish sampling
- Amphibian & wildlife management & salvage Erosion & sediment control
- Environmental field techniques
- Environmental regulatory processes